
We know you're looking for these:


The festival has a zero-tolerance for ANY KIND of interference with individual freedom and rights! All forms of discrimination, sexual harassment, racism, misogyny and mental or physical violence are ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED!

During the Rock Frozen event, there will be dozens and dozens of event security personnel taking care of
safety during the event. Security personnel will be easily distinguishable from other event-goers, by their
distinctive and easily recognizable clothing. Rock Frozen has a set of common safety rules and
instructions for everyone:

Security check:

Upon arrival at the event grounds, please be aware that you must submit to a standard security check,
which is carried out to ensure that festival goers do not bring anything that does not belong at the
festival. Within is done to ensure that every festival guest has a completely safe experience during the
event. To do this, our security personnel will make a security check of your person and your belongings.
They also reserve the right to confiscate objects, which are on the “forbidden” list.

The following are permitted on festival grounds, among other things:
The following are forbidden on festival grounds:

All rights reserved.

First Aid

First aid personnel will be on duty for the entire duration of the festival. During the festival, first aid may be found at the festival grounds, at a clearly marked and easily locatable
first aid station.

The Jyväskylä Central Hospital is located about 3 kilometres from the grounds. The nearest pharmacy is located about 1 kilometre from the grounds, in the city centre, at Kauppakatu 39.

Emergency exits

All emergency exits are clearly marked by green “EXIT” signs.

Changing ticket to a wristband

In advance


Be prepared to present an identity card when changing your ticket – the festival’s age limit is 18. Tickets are not personal, so it doesn’t matter whose name is on the ticket.

We recommend changing the ticket to a wristband in advance at our changing spot before the festival.

All basic tickets can be changed in advance, vip-passes and vip-wristbands are only available at the festival entrance.

The person who wants to change their ticket to a wristband must be present at the changing point – the wristband is placed on a wrist by our staff. The wristband is personal, and it can’t be changed to another person later.

Be prepared to present an identity card when changing your ticket – the festival’s age limit is 18. Tickets are not personal, so it doesn’t matter whose name is on the ticket.

We recommend changing the ticket to a wristband in advance at our changing spot before the festival.

All basic tickets can be changed in advance, vip-passes and vip-wristbands are only available at the festival entrance.

Tickets can be exchanged for wristbands at the pre-exchange point, at Restaurant Mutka on

Thursday 30.11. , 4 pm – 11 pm

Restaurant Mutka is located right in the center of Jyväskylä, in connection with the Tawast Shopping Center, at Kauppakatu 35, Kauppalaispiha, Jyväskylä.

The person who wants to change their ticket to a wristband must be present at the changing point – the wristband is placed on a wrist by our staff. The wristband is personal, and it can’t be changed to another person later.

in the event

Be prepared to present an identity card when changing your ticket – the festival’s age limit is 18. Tickets are not personal, so it doesn’t matter whose name is on the ticket. 

VIP-passes and VIP-wristbands are only available at the festival entry.

The entry into the event is divided by lanes which are clearly marked by instructions; there are lanes  for those who have ticket but not yet wristband, those who have changed their ticket to wristband in advance, those wishing to purchase ticket at the entry, and for our VIP guests.

If the wristband is too tight – do not cut or remove it by yourself! Please ask for help from our staff at the festival entry.

Accessbility / Special groups

The John Smith Rock Frozen promises complete accessibility to all, without any thresholds.
Accessible toilets for disabled as well as some other toilet-facilities may be found on the first floor of the festival

For those guests who are using wheelchairs, we have constructed an accessible viewing area with a clear
view of the stage.

Assistant admission

Persons bearing an “assistant card” and escorting someone who requires their assistance have an
automatic right to entry without charge. The assistant does not require their own ticket (please be ready
to show your “assistant card”). If the assisted person has a VIP-ticket, the assistant doesn’t need a separate ticket, but the VIP dinner will not be included to the assistant ticket. 

If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
to contact us at festivals(at)

Things of general concern


Entrance to this event is not permitted for those under the age of 18. Please be ready to show proof of age.


If you lose any of your belongings in the course of the event, you can always ask the cloakroom for
assistance in recovering them during the festival, or contact Paviljonki after the event has finished.
All lost and found claims work through the Jyväskylä Lost Property Office in the weeks following the


There is no live stream from John Smith Rock Frozen! The possible live stream events on Facebook are fake, do not click the links.

Things of general concern


Entrance to this event is not permitted for those under the age of 18. Please be ready to show proof of age.


All tickets are sold by Lippupiste. Check more info and payment methods at their website. 


If you lose any of your belongings in the course of the event, you can always ask the COAT-CHECK for
assistance in recovering them during the festival, or contact Paviljonki after the event has finished.
All lost and found claims work through the Jyväskylä Lost Property Office in the weeks following the


At Rock Frozen, we take all widely accepted payment cards. Cash payment is also accepted, although we
do recommend the use of card and/or contactless payment. Some selling points accept only card payments (check signs).


You can freely leave the venue during the festival. There is a security check every time entering the venue.


You may deposit all personal belongings, which you do not need during the duration of the festival, at
our coat-check facilities. These are located right after the entrance area. There’s a small fee for the coat-check. 


Smoking is permitted only at the designated smoking spaces outside the venue, which have been clearly


If you’re looking for something new to wear, come visit our merch point at the Purga-tori area! Our shelves
are stocked with band merchandise, and John Smith Rock Frozen products! There’s also ear-plugs sold at the merch point.


Toilet facilities may be found in the festival grounds on both floors. There is an accessible toilet located


Both hand sanitizer and hand washing stations are available in the area.


There is no live stream from John Smith Rock Frozen! The live stream events on Facebook are fake, do not click the links.

Photography at the event


The use of professional system
cameras without accreditation is forbidden! Please remember to take others into account when
filming, and make sure to get consent from all those appearing in your recordings. Additionally, please
do not publish any recordings of individuals, unless they consent for you to do so. The festival organizers
will also be filming during the festival and these may be potentially used in the future for
promotional purposes.



Accreditation for Frozen opens HERE